

This is the ideal choice if you only have a short amount of time in Egypt and would like to see the main attractions of Luxor City in one day.


The Kings’ Valley

Temple of Hatshepsut

Memnon’s Colossi

Temple of Karnak

Temple of Luxor

Suitable for families

Get advice from a local insider.

Take a history tour to travel across time.


Your driver will come to get you early in the morning from your accommodation. He’ll drive you to the local airport so you can catch your flight to Luxor.

Your tour guide (who will be holding a sign with your name on it) will greet you at the airport when you arrive in Luxor. He will transport you to the various sites in a contemporary, air-conditioned car.

Take a trip to the Thebes Necropolis, which is located on the river’s western bank. Drive to the Valley of Kings after crossing the Nile, where you may see Queen Hatshepsut’s temple, the Temple of Deir El Bahari, and the tombs of several dynasties. Stop to the Colossi of Memnon, a pair of enormous sitting statues that depict Amenophis III facing the Nile, on the way back.

Your journey then resumes on the east side of the river, where you will see the temples of Luxor and Karnak. Take a guided tour of the Karnak Temple, a collection of buildings constructed during several eras. The Unfinished Propylon, the Hypostyle Hall with its 134 enormous columns, the Obelisks of Queen Hatshepsut and Tutmosis III, the Temple of Amon with its lotus and papyrus decorations, the Granite Scarab of Amenophis III, and the Sacred Lake are all worth seeing. Start your tour in the Avenue of Sphinxes. Visit the Luxor Temple to view the granite statues of Ramses the Great in the courtyard.

Your guide will drive you to the nearby airport for your journey back to Cairo following the trip. You will be taken to your accommodation in Cairo after being picked up once more at the airport.

Transferring to a hotel in Luxor, where you can recover before going back to Cairo, is an optional option.


All levies, service costs, and fuel surcharges

Free hotel transportation to and from

English-speaking Egyptologist

Domestic flights Luxor – Cairo – Luxor


Entrance fees are not included in the price of any tours
To provide you more programme flexibility—you can choose to miss one or more places based on your interests—we do not charge site entrance costs in advance.