

Take a full-day road trip from Luxor to Aswan with a tour guide who specialises in Egyptology. You will travel along the Nile River, passing by agricultural areas and traditional Egyptian towns. You will make stops to see the Philae Temple of the Goddess Isis, the Unfinished Obelisk, the Edfu Temple, and the Kom Ombo Temple. Before you head back to Luxor, have a nice lunch at Aswan. Optional to the hotel in Aswan.


Temple Edfu

Temple Kom Ombo

The Unfinished Obelisk

The Tall Dam

Philae Island with the Isis Temple included

In the hands of a trained Egyptologist

Get advice from a local insider.

Wheelchair accessibility is available for the tour.


You will be taken from your central Luxor hotel early in the morning and taken to the most complete and well-preserved temple in Egypt, Edfu Temple. During the Ptolemaic Period, between 237 and 57 BC, the Temple of Horus was built.

To see the twin Temple of Kom Ombo, drive another 70 kilometres to the south. The temple is built symmetrically, with two entrances, two sanctuaries, and a line of symmetry dividing it into the kingdoms of Sobek the crocodile and Haroeris the falcon.

Proceed to Aswan to see the incomplete obelisk located within the Aswan granite quarry. When completed, it would have weighed close to 1,200 tonnes and measured about 42 metres, or 137 feet.

Go ahead and explore the Aswan High Dam, a rock-fill structure constructed in Aswan between 1960 and 1970 to produce energy and regulate Nile floods.

Take a motorboat excursion to Philae Temple Island, where the main structure is the Temple of Isis, the goddess of magic and healing. The earliest monuments on the island belong to the time of Nectanebo II, the last native Egyptian pharaoh.

You’ll be driven back to your Luxor hotel. Optional to the hotel in Aswan.


Entrance fees are not included in the price of any tours
To provide you more programme flexibility—you can choose to miss one or more places based on your interests—we do not charge site entrance costs in advance.